a few things!

Hey! It’s been a minute since I’ve put any news up on here. I have a few things to tell you about. First of all, I put out a bunch of new music last month. I kind of hesitate to call it an “album” but it’s longer than any of my other releases so that’s probably what it is! It’s the result of trying to write 28 songs in 28 days. I mostly succeeded. There’s a lot of weird stuff going on in these songs. It’s a digital release only right now (and probably forever!). Give it a listen right here: https://paperceilings.bandcamp.com/album/everything-is-what-you-say

Secondly, I’ve got a couple videos to share with you. One is a Trundle Session I recorded back in January in Tucson, AZ with Diet Pop Records. The other is a video of the lovely folks Logan & Lucille (who are the people behind Diet Pop/Trundle Sessions!) covering my song “Palm Muted Power Chords” for A Fistful of Vinyl on KXLU in Los Angeles. Both the Trundle and Fistful of Vinyl folks have a lot of awesome sessions up on their pages and are doing real cool stuff in the DIY scene. Click their names in that last sentence and you can scroll through and find some neat stuff to check it out if you have a minute!